Sunday, May 13, 2007

NEWSFLASH: Still Alive !!!

Hi everyone! Long time no blog... or something like that. There are several reasons for this, the most important one being a "killer" schedule during the last legs of our trip. However, we have started a campaign to make up for seemingly lost adventures (and lack of more frequent communication). Yet before we continue our digital journey, let's bring all of you blogfans back up-to-date:

We have just come from the wonderous land of the samurais, geishas, salary men, talking toilets, sake, sushi, and Mt. Fuji (and much much more of course)! Japan has to be seen and experienced to be believed. Or, abusing a quote of our Cambodian guide, it often felt "same same" but also VERY different. More so than anything we have experienced during our travels. Now we don't want to go into specifics just yet - why follow the blog otherwise? - but we can say that we had quite a satisfying itinerary. More about Japan soon!

Guess that leaves us with the penultimate question: Where art thou now? Well, we are currently in Smog Kong (= Hong Kong.. duh) and about to leave for Dubai to become Chel & Sois of Arabia. This will be the final destination and culmination of an awesome trip around our far end of the world. But when the month May comes to an end, we will set foot in our beautiful valley of the Maas once again and smother all of you with our memories for a lifetime. Until then... stay safe and sane! -x- Chel-san & Furensawa


Anonymous said...

hey Marco'o polo's,
was al een beetje bang dat jullie het ginds zo naar jullie zin hadden dat jullie met ons,westerlingen, wilden breken!? Fijn om te horen dat jullie nog leven.Hier is alles dik in orde, same old same old.De rest kletsen we wel bij over een dikke twee weken ofzo.Have fun in Dubai. Greetz Sjeik Al-Mikey de grote van Dilsen.

Anonymous said...

Gegroet O Trotters Globalis,

Miljaar de nondejuu ich dach al dat geer dee ganse Chinese moer barefoot aon t bekroepe waor..

Aha dus geer gaot noe ns inventariseren of daor in Dubai misjiens nog plaots is um n leuk 7-sterren hotelke te beginnen..weet al nne leuke naom Burj-Al-Cox of zoe..just a suggestion.

Laot gr wel nog ff weten wienie dat geer weer met eur kemikke krootekup de Nederlandse soil komp puune..kinne veer us hey daor geestelijk op veurbereije!!

Ammezeert uuch nog n eurke daor in dee zandbak..en nne witte Q7 V12 is wel leuk es souvenir!

Greetings vaan de einige echte Oliesjeik vaan Mouland..

Yours Sincerely..Coxx Enterprises International Artists Ltd. Incorporated.